Sunday, 12 October 2014

Our Backyard From Farm to Feast

    Hard to believe, but it's been two weeks since the Our Back Yard From Farm To Feast event.  Why is it that when you really look forward to something at first time passes so sluggishly slow.  When that event finally arrives, it always seems to pass at super speed?  I find myself feeling wistful for the sluggish time I was waiting for the event, because then it wouldn't already be over.

    The day was gloriously warm.  The sun beat down unseasonably warm, it was like stealing from the summer.  As I drove down the road to the Memorial Park I had my fingers crossed and kept repeating "Please let there be a good turn out, please let there be a good turn out".  Rachelle Hardesty had worked so hard to make this event a success.  Rachelle is The Municipality of Tweed's Manager of Community Development.  That lady has so many pokers in the fire, it's a wonder she's not exhausted, but she's just a dynamo of energy.

    As my family and I pulled up to the park I was thrilled to see that there was not a parking spot to be seen.  A heavenly aroma of barbecue greeted me upon exiting the car... Oh it was going to be a good day!  The second thing that I noticed was that there was a nice sized crowd milling around the park, all with satisfied smiles on their faces.  Everything looked so professional, and yet at the same time inviting.  The chefs were lined up each taking a turn to share the process which they created their dish.  They also were dishing out amazing food... food that had been grown in Tweed!

   I walked around eating delicious food with a goofy smile on my face, this was living.  I made my way over to the local beer and wine area.

    I was amazed at the amazing wine ( I would tell you about the beer, but I am not a beer drinker).  There was this gorgeous wine and it is all locally produced.  As a matter of fact Potter Settlement Wine.  I fell in love with their white wine, and plan to purchase many bottles.

    What an amazing day that was.  Thank you Rachelle for your hard work, the town of Tweed and it's visitors greatly benefited.  I can't wait to see what next year's Our Backyard From Farm To Feast looks like.